
"...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8

Three miles beyond the Heard County Arena, off of Hwy 100, people have gathered and worshiped as Salem Church since 1840, just ten years after the creation of Heard County. If you have not seen the white clapboard sanctuary, the old cemetery and the picturesque setting on Salem Road, take few minutes to run by. Moreover, if you aren’t active in a local church, we hope you will find a church home with us.

We are humbled by Salem Church’s long history, by those who carried the torch before us. Formerly a Methodist Church, Salem Church is now a church in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). May the Lord find us faithful as we proclaim and live out the gospel in the 21st century. We desire to love God and others and to know Christ and make him known. Please consider yourself invited. Pastor Bill Heard, his wife Sydney and the folks at Salem Church look forward to meeting you.

The Bible

Scripture is God’s inerrant Word, relevant for all of life. God’s Word establishes the principles for all we do. God’s Word reveals the nature of the covenants He establishes with humanity. God’s Word is the source of all we teach and affirm.

Prayer / Worship

Our dependence upon God is demonstrated by personal and corporate prayer and worship. All of life is to be lived in worship to God. We also are called to special times of corporate worship on the Lord’s day. Every ministry should be established and continued with prayer.

Kingdom Focus

We have a wide view of the Kingdom of God in all of its diversity. We maintain an outward focus on building the kingdom, not just our church or denomination. We are called to engage our culture to work for reconciliation and the advance of the Kingdom of God. We will work to fulfill the Great Commission by prioritizing church planting in various cultures and ethnic groups. We recognize that encouraging and assisting the work of the Gospel worldwide is a part of our responsibility.

Mercy Ministry

We desire to be helping neighbors to people in need, beginning with those around the Heard County Community. We are called to willing, sacrificial service and giving to the needs of others because of Christ’s mercy to us. We aim to meet the needs of hurting, downtrodden or forgotten people through word and deed ministry.

Authentic Relationships

We are called to authentic, covenant relationships with both Jesus Christ and all who are part of His bride, the Church. A relationship with God through Christ is the basis for wholeness in all other relationships. Relationships with one another that provide community and accountability are meant to build the church and each other.

Discipleship / Leadership

Building people is more important than building the program. We are dedicated to developing every believer as a minister led by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus. Many of these followers of Jesus will be developed as servant-leaders who will develop others.


We accept and engage people where they are with grace and truth, as a loving witness to Christ. Every person is made in the image of God and thus has eternal value. But due to the reality of our universal brokenness, each of us needs the restoration found only in the Gospel. The Gospel has the power to transform the broken into what God intends us to become.